Friday, July 17, 2009

Things are....okay.

Wow, I've been having such trouble keeping this updated.

I'm working on it. Busy busy busy.

First. What is better than Paramore + No Doubt? Nothing is what!! I went and saw No doubt on Wednesday night. Paramore and Bedouin Soundclash opened for them, and I must say, this is the best concert I have EVER seen. No Doubt put on the most fantastic show. I wish I could begin to describe all the awesomeness that was that show, but I'm not even going to attempt it. My advice to you.  Go see them if you get the chance. Well, we play at the Ride for CrisQo tommorrow evening, and I am fucking excited. Not only is it gonna be a good show, but it's a memorial for Richard, so of course will be a great event. Can't wait to see Nate and all the guys again and watch them skate it up.  I still have this feeling that music is not what I want to be doing for the rest of my life, but jamming and playing shows is one of the most amazing things I've experienced. Just making people happy with your music is a very enthralling thing.

Also, I may be starting a new blog sometime in the near future. One a lot less personal. It will focus on aspects of the game industry that fascinate me. Things such as immersion in games, sex and violence in games and how it affects people, censorship in games and of course the age old (Gaming is still young. ? ) "Are video games art?" debate, which I have touched on slightly in this blog. This stuff really intrigues me as a person. So keep an eye out for that if any of you may be interested. And even if you aren't, come critique my writing. That was a seg way.

Into.....what I actually DO wanna do with my life. Writing. I know I wanna write, but their are a few things that trouble me when deciding on whether or not this is the path I wanna take. First off, I haven't been to school in 5 fucking years. Haven't even finished COMM 11. I really think my vocabulary and knowledge of writing has really started to fade from my brain over the years. I'm gonna go back and do it all, and that is step 1, but it is very discouraging. So school is my plan. I wanna graduate with my at least English 12 and a Math 12. Physics would be preferred. And then, go to university for either Journalism or English. So that's my long away goal as of now. This new blog will be me practicing that. And considering I know nothing of actual writing style or professionalism, it won't be starting out good. Most likely, horrible. So even if your not into gaming I know a lot (a lot don't read this, hah) of you are taking writing courses so feel free to be down right cruel in the comments so I can maybe learn a thing or two until I get back into school. 

ANYWAYS, that's what is new with me.

Girl issues are still burdening me, which I will only say one thing about in this entry, as I'm trying to stop with the relationship venting.

I think it is very unfortunate that I have to base my decisions on what society deems as being appropriate.

Enough said.

I miss my mom, dearly.

I miss Korrina, I LOVE YOU!

And of course, Richard, you were a great friend to me, and will never be forgotten. Tommorrow, we celebrate your life, and all the amazing things you have brought into ours. And what better way than with a punk rock show and some competitive skateboarding, eh buddy?! I love you.



  1. I love you so much.
    Don't listen to society. I'm going through similar things right now with my current relationship. Trust me, don't listen to society. Just follow your instincts.
    Have fun at the skate comp for me! I will be there with you in spirit.


  2. Writing is a great choice, I'll try to help out in any way I can.

  3. a I am an english major, I also will help. I also wish I could've made the skate comp. boo. glad to hear your plans. miss you. love.

  4. wow. I meant as* I am an english major. haha, although you wouldn't know it from my comments. by the way. although you may not have the proper grammar or spelling always, you are an incredibly articulate person and you'll be amazing at whatever you put your mind to lee.

  5. i miss you too. and i can't get on your blah blog cuz i haven't been invited. xxx
