1. the act, power, or property of attracting.
2. attractive quality; magnetic charm; fascination; allurement; enticement: the subtle attraction of her strange personality.
3. a person or thing that draws, attracts, allures, or entices: The main attraction was the after-dinner speaker.
4. a characteristic or quality that provides pleasure; attractive feature: The chief attractions of the evening were the good drinks and witty conversation
Okay, so I deleted my last post from last night. Or, I drafted it for now. I wasn't thinking very clearly at the time. I do intend to post it, but maybe once this whole thing is over, and maybe do some editing on it.
Hopefully not TOO many people read it.
I can't believe how fucking crazy you can get over a person...a girl in this case. Going to sleep last night, I'm just thinking "What the fuck?". How could I get so worked up over a girl I just met, hung out with 3 times, and who is way too young to be expected to be mature enough to be reasonable.
Since anyone who didn't get the chance to read that post, I'll break things down quickly.
Met a girl, hung out, shit got wierd. This girl is AMAZING, and almost everything I find attractive she possesses. Creativity, talent, a beautiful singing voice, a playful and candid personality, and she is so damn cute.
So how can I explain my foolishness on crushing on a young girl and letting myself get worked up over it so much?
First theory is that I have too much faith in humanity to be as honest and open as me, which comes off as very selfish and arrogant I suppose. Someone so young, I should realize she is gonna be a handful emotionally and I gotta really watch what I do and say. But I open myself up so quick and willingly, that it takes nothing to get me really liking someone, and being honest with them. I am really not sure if girls find this attractive or not. All the girls I talk to seem to NOT be, even just the friends when were talking relationships. I think I should maybe be more careful as to who I open my emotions to. But do I really want a girl who isn't gonna be open and honest with me? Someone who wont play fucking games? Someone who tell me exactly how she feels? Maybe it takes time to get to that point, and isn't something that just happens, but it should be.
Second Theory. Maybe the reason I fall for girls so easily is because I haven't felt that kind of love and companionship in so long, I'm willing to forget the things that I find most important in a girl just for that sense. Holding her in my arms, and gently kissing her made all the problems fade for that moment. The whole time with her was like a series of blissful moments that maybe think of nothing else. Maybe that had something to do with the attraction for her. Haha, tempted to make a drug/twilight reference here, but I will hold back. I'm sure I just gave it away anyways.
So blah...I feel alot better, coming to the realization that I think I am beyond, and more mature than this. It IS how I feel. I really DO like this girl, but then again, I've always believed you shouldn't be doing something unless it makes you totally happy, no matter what the cost. As of right now, it IS really good sometimes, but not sure if it's something I can keep up. Until I figure that out the old post shall stay in the vault of blogs. Not long and you can hear all the details about the dates and what not.
Okay not sure if this is coming out any clearer than my last one, but it feels good writing it.
I've learned so much about myself these past two months with girls, I can be nothing but thankful to them.
Quoting my FB status here as I think it's hilarious. Check out the video on my profile if your bored. :)
"Pornography warps children's minds, leading them to believe that sex is fun, rather than shameful and embarrasing" -A video from "The Onion"
I heart you. and as for being open and honest, it can totally be a scary thing to do. The boy I'm with now has HUGE problems with it actually, as do I, but we perservere because we both want it that way. I think you have to truly find the right person and have it all flow together. Mind you I also knew him for a year and a half before jumping into these personal talks. Momentary lust/love can be super fun, but I don't know that it's the best thing to jump right in. I think that the more time you take getting to know the person, the better it will be. I guess I'm saying that I think love at first sight is mostly just sex drive, and it sounds like that for you (even if you're not f***ing the's the passion, the kisses, the having someone close...hell I have major trouble falling asleep if I have to be alone for a night now...) Anyways don't know if that helps. but you know what will? COMING TO VAN. love.