1. devoted or dedicated to a deity or to some religious purpose; consecrated.
3. pertaining to or connected with religion (opposed to secular or profane ): sacred music; sacred books.
4. reverently dedicated to some person, purpose, or object: a morning hour sacred to study.
5. regarded with reverence: the sacred memory of a dead hero.
6. secured against violation, infringement, etc., as by reverence or sense of right: sacred oaths; sacred rights.
7. properly immune from violence, interference, etc., as a person or office
So I had a pretty fun night last night. Went out to the bar to play a pool tournament. I totally cleaned everyone out. Made about 40 bucks, which is almost what I spent on drinks. I turned around and bought more beer with it sadly. I was pretty drunk by the time I left, and honestly did not enjoy it like I usually do. After being sober and having such a clear head it just seems like a waste of time now. I'm glad I'm feeling like that.
Went to Kelsey's after and watched a movie, some clever chick flick that I don't even remember. It was nice to lie with her without her boyfriend around...they are broken up now. It was also a bit strange. I didn't quite feel the comfort I usually do when lying with her, which kinda sucks. I was probably being little too friendly thanks to to booze, so that may have had something to do with it. It's hard to hold back when we went out for so long and I can feel so secure with her. Nonetheless it was a really fun night.
Woke up this morning and took Tay up town and had coffee at Gerry's. I really do love her baby. I never really liked the idea of having kids until I spent some time with Daws. He is just sooo cute and playing with him is really fun. I'm sure it's a lot more stressful actually looking after him all the time, but I can't wait till the day I'm ready for that. I want a little girl though, more than anything. I would honestly be pretty upset if it was a boy, but oh well. We'll see one day.
I just got home and feel pretty lost on what to do. This always happens on my day off. Usually I find something productive to do, but with all the emotions going on with me, I haven't been able to motivate myself. I haven't cleaned my room in like, 3 weeks, and I am CRAZY about cleansliness. I think I'm gonna re format my computer though. I just got another moniter and for some reason hooking it up has totally fucked up my computer. I'm running in safe mode right now for facebook, but I want to do some gaming. I am dying to play some games. Ever since I upgraded to this new moniter, I can't even play WoW, which is upsetting. I miss all my friends online. We have been friends for so many years, it feels odd to go without speaking to them for months at a time. I could always just hook up my mic and hop on vent, but it's kind of just not the same when your not playing. I miss videogames in general, as my passion for music is equalled only by my love of videogames. Like I said, somewhere, videogames are the most interactive and inspiring art form for me. Most critics say that GTA 4 was one of the best movies of the summer. Haha, I found that interesting. I'm glad they are actually getting appreciated like they should, as an art, and not just something for entertainment. If you can, and do play, go download "American Magee's ALICE". A grim take on Alice in Wonderland. So amazing.
Anyways, enough about that. Saw the girl today, said Hi and she totally ignored me. It was satisfying. She texted me last night and tried to turn everything around on me, which is where I usually back down and cave, but nope. Texted back a few times and then just ignored them. My night was going too good. Sucks that I had to lose a good friend through this all. I told her a million times I would still be a friend to her, and that I supported anything she did. Oh well, what can you do?
I'm gonna go reformat my computer, and hopefully clean this room. I shall leave you with some Shakespeare.
"O Pardon me, thou bleeding peice of earth, that I am meek and gentle with these butchers!" -Shakespeare "Julius Caesar"
I took a religious studies class last year in Calgary and we talked a lot about the sacred versus the profane...I actually wrote a paper on how it is constructed in religious buildings.
ReplyDeleteAs for everything else you've got going on, I'd say that drinking too much should be avoided, but not discouraged. At least try to limit your consumption or cut yourself off at a certain point; although, whenever I'm in Invermere I tend to drink more to make things more interesting lol.
Eh, and my hair? Well, it's not bleached blonde or anything. It's 'natural' looking ;)
great post....and if you ever get some time, try wading through the sonnets...they'll change your life.
Well, honestly I'm not a huge fan of Shakespeare. I'm not too entirely into that style of writing. Too much figurative writing really drew me away from that.
ReplyDeleteI blame Maynard from Tool. hah!
I know what ya mean, was tough for me to...the language is archaic, the demographics are entirely wonky...the world was different!!! but try and get past it....there are amazing truths and comforting assimilations....really.