1. any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate.
2. strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor.
3. strong sexual desire; lust.
4. an instance or experience of strong love or sexual desire.
5. a person toward whom one feels strong love or sexual desire.
6. a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything: a passion for music.
Wow, I've been neglecting to blog lately. I just don't seem like I have the time. I'll recount some of the things that have been happening since my last one to the strange emotional state I am in now.
Let's see, I can FINALLY fucking drive again, thank god. It's been so long, and I'm so happy to be doing it again. Cruising around in the Maz is such a good feeling, and really makes me feel alot more free, and opens up alot of options for me, but it's pretty much become normal already, and expensive of course.
Went to Cranbrook with it a few days ago. Suffice it to say, it was a crazy ass night. Alot of partying, and dumb shit that I don't quite regret but should not have done. Went through about 500 bucks that night, lost our damage deposit on our room. I honestly don't know if I'm happy or upset about the whole thing. I had fun though, so that's all that really matters.
Now onto how I'm feeling now. I've been thinking about blogging this ALL day at work. I don't know, I feel like I have no passion to motivate me these days. Like, I have the band and all, and it's great, but it feels like I would be alot happier in a different situation. I mean, I'm content, and have lots of good stuff going on, but I could be alot more satisfied. I need to be in a city, working at a music shop or a LAN cafe, going to school. Something to keep me going. Something DIFFERENT. This town is really starting to bring me down. It's too safe, too comfortable. And the people. This brings me back to my first post. It is getting honestly to the point where I feel like I am losing my creativity. I have no outlets for educated discussion. I think I need to start writing again, being more involved with art, beyond music. All the people I know are so caught up in thier lives and everyone else's lives they don't appreciate things. Don't see beauty where they should. All just gossip and parties. I feel like I have no genuine friends. I mean, I know I have endless people that I feel care about me greatly, but noone I can confide in, or talk seriously or creatively with. I know quite a few people but they are all moved on from here, or not people I can just see all the time. I need people I can share things with, sit and enjoy silence with. People open-minded, intelligent, artistic. I really am lacking these types of people at this point, and I feel this town is not helping me at all. Part of me wants to just say fuck it all and move somewhere, California, or Vancouver. Somewhere where there are people out there I can relate to. There should be someone in my life I could have a face to face conversation about all this with, but they just aren't available. All in time. But I feel held here, mainly by the band. I am so happy playing with them that I don't think I could give it up though.
But yeah, so I think, on my day off, I am gonna go to open doors and start on my schooling. Having a vehicle leaves me no excuse not to do this now. And I need to go for a hike, like...badly. The forest eases me more than anything, and I don't take that for granted nearly like I should.
Anyways, I could say tons more but I'll leave it for another day. Quite the depressing post, but it was necessary. I feel much better just putting it out there. I'm not even upset, I'm damn happy about life, but something is missing that I feel I should have. It will come to me.
Until next time, I love you all who read this, as I'm sure you know! I leave you with....hhhmmm...Paramore.
"It takes aquired minds, to taste this wine. You can't down it with your eyes, so we don't need the headlines, we just want the airwaves back" -Born for this Paramore